Allison Evans

Allison Evans

Armed with a love of words, food, and all things outdoors, Allison joined the Heirloom Gardener and Mother Earth News teams in August of 2016, after working the previous summer as an intern. She currently works on the web services team and manages the social media accounts for both magazines.

Despite a general disinterest in sports, Allison considers herself a Wildcat at heart and will always love Kansas State University, from where she graduated in 2016 with a degree in journalism and mass communications. Although she doesn’t miss the homework, she does miss the historic buildings and late nights spent editing the campus newspaper.

When she’s not dabbling in her photography obsession, she enjoys laughing with and learning from loved ones, cuddling any animal that will sit still long enough, and reading a good piece of fiction. Her “brown thumb” is a constant source of frustration and mirth, but with patience and loads of trial and error, she’s slowly turning her hands green. Although apartment life has, if nothing else, taught Allison how to be resourceful (one more plant can fit in that window, right?), she can’t wait to move somewhere with a little more space and the opportunity to grow things outside. Fresh air and green grass is where it’s at for her. Oh, and a cat or two, of course.

Mother Earth News Gardening
Mother Earth News Gardening
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