Lilac Bath Oil

By Janice Cox
Published on February 26, 2019
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Photo by Adobe Stock/nikolaydonetsk.

Yield: 8 ounces


  • 2 cups fresh-picked lilac flowers, removed from the main stem
  • 1 cup castor oil


  1. Place flowers on a hard, flat tray or cutting board. Crush each flower with the back of a spoon to release the natural oils and scent. Pack the crushed flowers into a clean glass jar.
  2. Gently warm the castor oil on the stove or in the microwave. It should be warm to the touch, but not too hot or the flowers will cook.
  3. Pour the warm oil over the lilacs in the jar, and cover with a tight-fitting lid or cork stopper.
  4. Leave the jar in a warm place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, place the jar in a water bath and gently warm the contents. Remove the lid and strain out all solids from the oil. I do this by pouring the oil through a funnel lined with cheesecloth.
  5. Test the oil. If you desire a stronger scent, repeat the process with more fresh flowers and let sit for an additional 2 weeks.
  6. Pour the finished oil into a pretty glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid for storage.
  7. To use: Pour a few tablespoons under running water as you fill your tub.

Excerpted with permission from Natural Beauty from the Garden by Janice Cox © 2018, published by Ogden Publications.

Natural Beauty from the Garden

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