My Garden Journal

By Joanna Ridenour
Published on May 14, 2018

Many gardeners keep a gardening journal of some sort. It can be a lot of fun as well as very practical in helping us remember what we planted where and when, what was successful and what failed, and of course to make plans for the future! 

That being said, I must admit I’ve never been good at keeping records. I’ve started a journal several times, but I usually forget to write things down, or else tell myself that I’ll remember, (and of course I don’t!). The only journal I’ve been faithful to over the last several years is my “copybook”, where I record my favorite quotes and passages from my reading. And since I am a voracious reader, this notebook is already a very interesting collection, and is something that I hope to be able to share with my children someday! 

Anyway, I was recently inspired to begin another journal, devoted solely to gardening, which I call “Garden Miscellany”. The idea came from Louise Beebe Wilder’s delightful book My Garden (1916). Besides her “Day Book”, which contained a daily record of plantings, etc., she also kept a book called “Country Miscellany”, which she says is “a repository for all sorts of facts and fancies concerning gardens, plants, and country matters generally”. I often wonder what became of that book and wish it had been published! My own journal is very similar and contains interesting facts about plants, quaint flower names, folklore, poetry, herbal remedies, and more. I think this would be an enjoyable project for most any garden lover! 

It is one of my old-fashioned opinions that a book containing beautiful words ought to be beautiful on the outside as well. Unfortunately, I’m not much of a decorator either, but I did adorn my simple black journal with some pressed flowers from my garden. I coated them with Mod Podge, which seems to be working well. I also like to tuck dried flowers and herbs between the pages…little keepsakes from the garden are such a comfort during our long snowy winters!

If you are artistic, you might include some sketches of your favorite plants as well. There are so many possibilities. I hope you have fun creating your own personal garden journal! 

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