I’m feeling guilty at this point in the season. I’m ready for a rest and happy to see frost end the gardening year. Please help me get fired up for my fall garden jobs.
Don’t feel guilty — lots of us feel this way. Even though I love gardening, I need a break too. But I’m waiting until it gets really cold before I quit. Gardening should be fun; when it’s not, take a break. You can only get done what you can get done.
Everyone has something different that excites them to close out the season. For me it’s planting bulbs. Even though it’s not instant gratification, the anticipation of spectacular spring flowers after another endless winter re-energizes me. I hate to say it, but, I’m absolutely giddy as I plant bulbs. Whether it’s shrubs, bulbs, perennials or trees, find something this season that gives you the same feeling and then spend the winter waiting to see what spring brings.