Mid February – definitely a great time of the year to put the finishing touches on my garden plan. I tend to go a bit overboard each year, wanting a little bit of a lot of plants. The most exciting part is getting “the box” in the mail. You know the one – from Baker Creek, containing all those wonderful packets of seeds that are just waiting to be planted and nurtured! And as my garden plan continues to grow, and just like the plants themselves, my seed order continues to grow too.
My approach this year is a bit different – the more I study about herbs/spices, the more of those I want to have on hand. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the fruits and vegetables that are on my list; but this year, the herbs will take center stage. One special herb that I will have a home for is calendula; for a variety of reasons.
Several years ago, my son “developed” a rash – or really more like a burn – from cleaning chemicals used in his school. This burn was much different than any other skin condition I had come across (raised/inflamed skin that was warm and bright red). I was caught off guard by this burn and it was miserable for him. I tried just about everything – coconut oil, oatmeal wash, numerous lotions, salves, powders, even aloe vera. While some treatments seemed to help some, none really “healed” the burn completely or acted as a preventative. At the same time, I was just starting to dabble in herbal studies. That’s when I came across calendula. I did a bit more reading on it and was impressed by the “reviews” of those that had used it – I thought I’d give it a shot since nothing else was working.
Needless to say – I was speechless. After just one thick application of calendula lotion, the burn seemed about half gone. The redness had gone down, the raised nature of the skin had diminished quite a bit, and the pain was reported as “so much better mom!” After several days of treatment, the burn was all but gone, barely any evidence was left. I continued to apply the lotion on a daily basis and it worked perfect as a preventative; providing the skin a shield of protection. Thankfully, the cleaning supplies were eventually changed out for less harsh ones. To this day, I recommend calendula to anyone and everyone with any kind of skin ailment, and continue to use it myself when I make my yearly burn salve.
So what is so special about calendula anyways? And why do I want to make sure to have it in my garden this year? To many it may look like “just another flower,” but by looking a little deeper, you will find the true magic inside.
Calendula officinalis may also be known as “pot marigold” since the look is similar to that of your common garden marigolds, but otherwise, they are quite different. Calendula is edible and has very little scent, whereas common garden marigolds are known for the unpleasant smell that may be helpful in warding off garden pests. Other characteristics of calendula include:
- Annual
- Member of the Asteraceae family
- The flower petals can be used internally (eaten on salads/in soups, made into teas, oils, etc) and externally (lotions, salves, oils, wash)
- The color of the flowers are extracted and used as natural coloring/dyes
Flavanols and triterpenoid esters within calendula are just a couple of several constituents responsible for the strong anti-inflammatory properties this plant has, making it a go-to treatment for many of the skin ailments that are associated with inflammation (burns, wounds, diaper rash, skin ulcers, eczema, etc.). Internal inflammation may also warrant a dose of calendula tea which may help calm upset stomachs (bitter tonic), gastric ulcers and even help improve digestion.
Antimicrobial and antiviral components – add that to the list of calendula’s characteristics. Why not concoct a calendula mouthwash/rinse or add it to your toothpaste to aid in fighting oral bacteria, mouth ulcers, and reduce any gum inflammation present. These bacteria-fighting constituents also are a welcome addition to any topical/external product that you might be using where an antiseptic-type action is needed.
While the properties of calendula are generally recognized as safe, avoid if you have allergies to plants in the Asteraeae/Compositae family (echinacea, chamomile, ragweed). Oral use of calendula should be avoided by pregnant women due to its use as an emmenagogue (stimulates/increases menstrual flow).
With so many uses and medicinal qualities – it’s no wonder that calendula is a sought after addition to any garden. This plant is characterized as “easy to grow” (from seed) and can be placed in your garden bed or even a container with good draining soil and full sun (part shade in peak summer heat). Calendula flowers are especially plentiful when consistent “harvesting” is done – allowing for new flowers to bloom more frequently. Fresh flowers are typically used to make extracts and tinctures; while the dried version are more commonly used for teas and salves.
So as you put the finishing touches on your garden plan – don’t forget calendula – you still have time to add “just another flower”!
Quick Calendula Compress:
- Add 6 to 8 ounces of hot water to approximately 2 tsp. calendula flowers – steep for 10-15 minutes
- Strain flowers (keep aside to wrap in gauze as a poultice if you prefer)
- Saturate a cloth with the cooled calendula liquid (compress)
- Use compress (10-15 minutes) on effected area several times throughout the day